Trauma Clinic for Adults

Small handshake graphic

Addressing the Need

The Trauma Clinic (TC) is a short-term intensive program at Thrive Counseling Center that consists of 3 weekly groups and 1 weekly individual session each week. The goal is to change the way traumatic memories are stored in the brain by reducing or eliminating problematic symptoms in a safe and supportive peer environment. For adults 18+

Individual Sessions:

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): A psychotherapy technique that helps people process traumatic memories and other distressing experiences. During EMDR, patients focus on a memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation through moving their eyes back and forth, tapping their body, or feeling the interchanging buzzing in each hand.

Group Sessions:

EMDR: Group EMDR involves parallel processing in which each client is choosing their own target and drawing that representation in a four-square exercise. They are guided in self-paced bilateral tapping focusing on the chosen target four times, and then switch to an installation of a positive belief. At the end of the guided portion, clients share feedback and insights on the experience.

IFS (Internal Family Systems):  A type of psychotherapy that helps people understand and heal from their past experiences. IFS is a model that views the mind as a family of sub-personalities, or “parts,” that interact with each other. Trauma can result in parts taking on extreme roles, such as unhealthy coping mechanisms. IFS therapy aims to heal the wounded parts and restore leadership to the self, our nonjudgemental core.

TEAMS (Trauma and Education and Management Skills):  A group that provides psycho-education on trauma. This group also works on developing body-, thought-, and behavior-based coping skills to manage trauma-related symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I need to commit to this?

This program lasts about 12 weeks, depending on progress. Before a client joins the TC, a PCL-5 is administered to obtain their baseline symptoms and qualifiers for a PTSD diagnosis. At 12-weeks  the PCL-5 is re-administered to determine if symptoms have lowered.

  • Based on the PCL-5 score and progress made in the groups, the client will either:
    • Continue for another 6 weeks and have a third PCL-5 administered.
    • Graduate from group therapy and move to individual EMDR sessions only.
    • Graduate from the full program and discharge from the agency or resume individual talk therapy.

What is the PCL-5?

The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Check List (PCL-5) is a 20-item self-report measure that assesses the 20 DSM-5 symptoms of PTSD. The PCL-5 has a variety of purposes, including: monitoring symptom change during and after treatment, screening individuals for PTSD, and making a provisional PTSD diagnosis.

Who is Covered?

Most insurance is accepted, including Medicaid and Medicare. Please call Thrive Access Department at 708-383-7500, option 2 for insurance questions.

How do I reach out to learn more?

You can call or email Angie Pill to learn more about TC, see if your insurance is covered, and schedule a screening at: or (708) 617-2456.