I have spent ten of my most influential years in a non-profit known as United Voices (formerly Chicago Children’s Choir), and it is because of that organization, that I knew I would gravitate toward non-profit work. I was continuously surrounded by people whose views were different from my own, which aided in my becoming an open-minded and caring individual. For years I acted as a caretaker to individuals both in and outside of my circle, advocating for their medical and mental autonomy. When 2020 hit, the need for mental health services became apparent, and as someone who spent years working on their journey, I knew that this was my chance to help others. The path to Thrive Counseling Center was one filled with copious amounts of ups and downs, but it was because of my own lived experience, and the help from others, that I am here. My passion for helping and uplifting others acts as a catalyst in all that I do, and I couldn’t be more excited and motivated to pay it forward here at Thrive.